
Our History

The truly vintage making of soap from the Holy Land's olive oil was the majestic tradition in Nablus city. During the British Mandate, the British Government made an analysis for the soap in London Institution in 1934, to found that all the ingredients are totally Natural and Chemicals free.

Today there are still a few soap makers active in Nablus, with the most prominent of them being the Nablus Soap Company, whose in 1971 Mojtaba Tbeleh had found, a descendant from a 400 years tradition of soap makers. The family has been well known for hundreds of years in this sector.

The reputation goes so far ,the man who cuts the soap into blocks is called ‘Tbeleh ’ clear reference to the family.

Their soap has built its own distinct reputation over the centuries. In the 19th century, a peak was experienced when the product was distributed by travelling salesmen far beyond the borders of the Middle East. Bedouins were responsible for the soap reaching the islands in the Mediterranean Sea, from whence it made its way to the Queen of England. From there it did not take long before European women learnt about the nourishing and healing benefits of the soap from Nablus.

History of Nablus Soap

Nablus is a town located on the West Bank. The soap industry in this city started in the 10th century and it contributed to the economic prosperity. This prosperity was further boosted by the excellent quality olive oil produced in the region.

Olive soap from Nablus is made by hand using a small number of all natural ingredients, with a mixture of olive oil and salt as the basis. This is a very delicate process, which cannot just be done by following the recipe. Decades of experience and knowledge of the Tbeleh family is used by the soap master Mojtaba Tbeleh. The mixture is cooked and then dried. After that, the blocks are carved by the Tubeili, soap makers, and piled into characteristic geometric towers. Smaller blocks are pressed into shape or labelled with the name “Nablus”. The soap must then be left to dry for another few months before it is ready to use. The range is not limited to these characteristic soap blocks, and various other handy soaps are produced.

Several types of olive soap are produced, such as pure olive soap, and soaps that contain essential oils, honey, milk, mud from the Dead Sea or dried herbs. Herbs and other ingredients from the Medina of Nablus all have their origins in the Middle East. The famous aroma therapy effect is derived from purely natural ingredients. The advantage is that the soap is ideal for every day use, even by people with sensitive or problem skin.

Nablus Soap Ingredients

Handmade using a small number of Natural ingredients, with a mixture of olive oil and salt as basis.

Nablus Soap is suitable for daily use because it consists entirely of natural, botanical ingredients, including more than 80% virgin olive oil. Nablus Soap contains no preservatives and it is not tested on animals.

Because the soap is made from 100% natural ingredients, with no added synthetic substances, the soap is 100% biodegradable. This is not only good for your skin, but also great for the environment.

Modern soaps are often not real soap, but rather a detergent. Detergents are developed following a chemical process using synthetic ingredients and are therefore often harmful to the natural balance of the skin. They often lead to dehydration, irritation and blockage of the pores, making it difficult for the skin to breathe. The skin eventually becomes dependent on these products because natural moisture and fat regulation has been disturbed. Increasingly people are becoming aware of this fact and they are starting to use natural soap. Authentic Nablus Soap fits right into that trend.